
Iso corners distance
Iso corners distance

iso corners distance iso corners distance

Enter a value in the setback distance field.The Blend Corner option is available through the Variable Radius Fillet command too. This allows you to specify the setback distance value exceeding the length of the corresponding concurrent edges. The tangent edges are automatically selected if they are in propagation with the selected edges. In this area, the system adds material so as to improve the corner shape. The setback distance determines for each edge a free area measured from the vertex along the edge.The application shows it in the geometry area (3D text). In our example, only one corner is detected. Right-click the Blend corner(s) field and select Create by edges.To round the corner again, double-click the fillet and in the dialog box click the More button to access additional options.Take a closer look at the resulting corner : the shape style is not satisfactory. To obtain the shape we need for our scenario, select the edges counter-clockwise. This explains why you may sometimes encounter error messages when filleting. Click Edge Fillet and fillet the four edges as shown using 5mm as the radius value.Ĭareful! When you select edges, the order of selection affects the final shape of the fillet.The “Blend Corners” capability lets you quickly reshape these corners. Sometimes, while filleting you can see that corners resulting from the operation are not satisfactory.

Iso corners distance